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Shareholder Services

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 2:00pm (Adelaide time) on 30 November 2023 at Piper Alderman, Level 16, 70 Franklin Street Adelaide SA 5000. Shareholders who are entitled to attend and cast a vote at the AGM can participate in the meeting by either attending in person or appointing a proxy or proxies to attend or vote on the shareholder’s behalf.

The Notice of Meeting for the AGM can be viewed here.
The Chairman's Letter can be viewed here.
The Interactive Proxy Form can be viewed here.

The items for consideration at the AGM are:
• Adoption of the Remuneration Report
• Re-election of Director, David Turvey
• Approval of 10% additional placement capacity

As set out in the Notice of Meeting, the Board recommends that shareholders vote in favour of all items of business. The Notice of Meeting contains explanatory information regarding these items of business.

If you are unable to attend the AGM, you may appoint a proxy to attend and vote on your behalf via or by following the instructions on the Proxy Form. The Proxy Form (and any power of attorney under which it is signed) must be received not later than 2:00pm (Adelaide time) on 28 November 2023 (being 48 hours before the commencement of the AGM). Even if you plan to attend the AGM in person, we encourage you to submit a directed proxy vote so that your vote will be counted if for any reason you cannot attend on the day.

Shareholder Services

Shareholder Communications
Recent legislative changes to the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) mean there are new options available to Power Mineral’s Limited shareholders as to how you receive communications from Power Minerals.
Power Minerals will no longer be sending physical meeting documents unless you request a copy to be posted.

Power Minerals encourages all shareholders to provide an email address so we can communicate with you electronically when shareholder notices become available online, for items such as meeting documents and annual reports.

Shareholders can still elect to receive some or all of their communications in physical or electronic form, or elect not to receive certain documents such as annual reports. To review your communications preferences, or sign up to receive your shareholder communications via email, please update your details at

If you are a shareholder and would like a physical copy of a communication, need further information about the options available to you or have questions about your holding, visit or contact the Registry:

Link Market Services Limited
Locked Bag A14, Sydney South NSW 1235
Telephone: +61 1800 128 092